Fire Solutions, LLC is a proud member of the following:
Fire Solutions, LLC manufactures self-contained Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS) that are safe and easy to operate. They are ideal for meeting numerous fire protection needs and requirements. Activation is simple and straight forward: simply turn one lever a quarter of a turn for automatic compressed air foam.
All units arrive ready to operate—just add water. To ensure long life service. In addition, Fire Solutions offers an Off Road fire protection package with CAFS and aspirated nozzle foam options.
Please look at the following brief descriptions of our products and refer to our web pages for additional information.
The Home Pro compressed air foam system is totally self contained, and produces foam automatically and safely, by the movement of one lever one quarter turn. It is an excellent fire prevention and fire suppression tool for the homeowner living in the rural intermix of homes brush and forest fuels, and the wild-land urban interface. Also a valuable fire prevention tool for the home owner located in high fire risk urban areas.
The RRU 12, our newest model, is a self contained compressed air foam delivery system. It is designed for ease of operation, low maintenance, and rapid response capability. The RRU 12 provides great support and flexibility to foam deployment operations.
This powerful and highly mobile Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS),has enumerable fire protection applications. This compact, highly mobile and flexible fire suppression system easily fits between the wheel wells of pickups, in small SUV's, on a garden cart, or wheels can be added to the unit. Fire officers, manufacturing plant employees, field foresters, farmers, ranchers, marine fire specialists and heliport managers will appreciate the versatility and ease of use of this very portable Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS).
This CAFS unit has the same ease of operation as the 30-gallon foam tote unit. It is slightly larger in size and contains twice the amount of foam. The unit fits between the wheel wells of a pickup and on small trailers. The ease of use, quick response and compact configuration makes this an ideal fire protection system for many needs and requirements.
The operations of this unit is the same as all our our other Rapid Response Units (RRU units) but with some additional features.
This unit has two separate 30 gallon tanks. They can be used simultaneously for a full 1,200 gallons of foam or you can use just one tank at a time. By using just one tank you have the other on standby to be used at any time. The dual design allows easier use of two foams simultaneously, or singularly.
As with our other CAFS units, it is totally self contained, operated with an easy one-lever operation. And no power source is required.
For mobility, it can be mounted on flatbed truck or trailer, and also serves as an excellent stationary fire protection unit. It is ideal as a fire suppression and fire prevention system for many applications including farms, homes, ranches, rural estates, remote industrial operation sites, and manufacturing facilities.
This Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) is contained within a completely enclosed trailer unit. It operates similarly to the other foam tote models by producing foam with a quarter turn of a single lever. When activated, foam is rapidly and automatically produced. Equipped with two (2) large nitrogen gas cylinders, or two (2) air charged cylinders, the recharge of this powerful fire protection system is quick and easy. The 120-gallon tank of water can be expended and refilled at least twice with the on-board supply of foam and nitrogen gas.
All of Fire Solution's compressed air foam system (CAFS) units are factory set to expand one gallon of water to 20 gallons of foam. Our patented system allows you to easily change the expansion ratios even while the unit is in operation. Our foam concentration is metered into the water during operation, making it superior to a pre-mix system.
These systems require a water source and water pressure. They produce a quality foam for direct attack of a fire. Retrofitting existing fire units to a foam fire protection system is easy and simple.
Off Road UNIT
Fire Solutions provides an Off Road foam fire suppression pack that allows for a quick initial attack. An Off Road Vehicle paired with our very compact RRU-30 foam tote is an excellent fire protection package. Initial attack with a compressed air foam system (CAFS) is a powerful, cost-effective fire suppression method.
We furnish an top of the line Class-A and Class-B foam with each fire protection system. The foam provided by Fire Solutions is excellent for both the suppression of fire and fire prevention. In addition, we offer a wide range of foams designed for the suppression of petroleum fires and hazardous spill cleanup. Please look at our foam page for a list of the various foams we offer.
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Toll Free 1-888-805-8155 or visit our Distributors page
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